
Sanitation First

Our priority is your safety during these uncertain times. Extra precautions will be taken for yours and our staff’s safety. A face mask and shield will be worn by all artists in close proximity to working on client faces, and hands will be washed between clients. Makeup sanitizer will be sprayed on all of the makeup, and the use of disposables will be preferred during this time. We appreciate you working with us to create a happy and healthy experience!

Client review:
“I've seen photos of brides who look completely transformed on their wedding day. A totally different woman; beautiful but fancy as can be. And if that's your style, more power to you. I wanted to look like myself, but perhaps a bit more dolled up. 

Frankly, I wanted to feel GLAMOROUS. I wanted to feel like I was about to walk down the red carpet! Michelle, was tremendous.”

-Jenn Kutsch